Saturday, May 17 at 9:30am
Location TBD
Saturday, May 17 at 9:30am
Location TBD
Dear APA Families and Community Friends,
We are so excited to begin registration for our Annual District Fun Run! The registration link opens on Monday, April 21. We will be holding two events on Saturday, May 17 at 9:30am, locations will be coming soon.
APA’s annual Fun Run is a cornerstone of our fundraising efforts for the year. It is a fun and meaningful event that brings together students, parents, teachers, and our community to celebrate the importance of education. This year our students are working hard to raise money for the APA Teaching Excellence Fund, a private reserve that provides our teachers with the resources and support they need to continue delivering high-quality education to our students.
Our fundraising goal this year is $100,000. We welcome our APA families and community to participate by running in the Fun Run and/or contributing to our fundraising efforts.
We’re still looking for sponsors to donate monetarily or to donate items for our silent auction and/or the swag bags that will be given to all participants. Our students have incentives that they’re working towards by fundraising individually. Keep in mind that all APA parents’ business donations count towards those rewards as well as those businesses who donate in the name of a student or students.
We also need A LOT of volunteers for an event this size. Please click on the VOLUNTEER link to the right to sign up.
The registration, sponsorship, and donation links can be found to the right.
American Preparatory Education Foundation is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3), tax ID#: 45-4568023 and your donation may be tax-deductible. Please contact us at 801.661.1928 or funrun@americanprepfoundation.org with any question.
Thank you for your support and generosity. It is greatly appreciated!