If you would like to use the funds in your account, we have created an easier way to make a purchase request! You will need to fill out this Google Form BEFORE you make your purchase. It will ask for your name, contact info, campus, and expense description. The form will be reviewed by APEF staff and you will be contacted within 24 hours to complete the purchase process. Please put as much detail as you can in this form.
APEF Purchase RequestIf you would like to raise money at a school club event (e.g. concessions, donations, raffles, tickets, etc), you will need to fill out this Fundraiser Request Form. This will help the foundation know when funds will be coming into your account, and in what forms. You could be earning money as cash or checks or from platforms like Venmo, Paypal or Stripe. This will ensure all the money you earned goes into your preferred account.
Current fees:
Paypal takes a 2.89% fee + $0.49 per transaction
Venmo takes a 1.9% fee + $0.10 per transaction
Venmo – NEEDS TO HAVE THE CAMPUS NAME & EVENT INCLUDED IN THE “WHAT’S THIS FOR?” LINE IN ORDER TO GET MONEY INTO YOUR ACCOUNT! APEF Staff can’t ensure the money will get to your account if this information is missing.
When a school or team receives cash, either from an event or donation, we want to get that money into your account as soon as possible
We are re-introducing and enforcing the policy where no cash will be accepted by the Foundation WITHOUT an APEF Deposit Tally Sheet. You will need to make a copy of the sheet if you want to edit it digitally (File – Make a Copy – Rename to “Your program + APEF Tally Deposit Sheet – Make a Copy) then either print it and send it with the cash, or share the sheet with admin@americanprepfoundation.org
The goal of this policy is to ensure the school or team has had 2 different people count the money going into their account and allows the school or team to keep a record of what was sent to the Foundation. The Foundation in turn, will deposit the money into the correct account and will also keep the form on file. This way everyone will have the same record of what money is being passed.
APEF Deposit Tally sheetReimbursement – Expense Report
Please attach copies of the receipts for each of the items on the report to receive a full refund. All refunds will be delivered to the school from which they volunteered. We do not mail checks to individuals homes.
Expense Report